Hi all, with restrictions lifting the LBPL BOG is in full planning mode. Part of our planning was to send a survey out to see how many teams were coming back and who was going to stay on as a captain or who might replace them. As of right now we have 19 teams that have at least 4 players or more which is amazing news and shows the strength of our league!! We are also finding out which bars are going to remain on as sponsors. I know we have several people looking to join a team so those captains looking for a player or two for their team please let the BOG know. If you are a new player looking to join a team send a message thru the website please.
From the survey we also found out that a vast majority like the idea of having one long season with more breaks and added tournaments. We also found out that the captains were also in favor of approving a rules book before starting play. Some rules will need to be revised reflecting our move to one long season, some were yet to be voted on before the pandemic got in our way and the Rulebook Commmitte (Grant, Mike & Melissa) had reformatted and added clarification to some rules. The Rulebook Committe is meeting once more to make sure we are all on the same page and captains will receive an updated soon to be voted on. We are hoping to be as transparent with this process as possible so if you have a question please ask one of the people on the rulebook committee for any clarification needed.
Lastly the LBPL BOG have already begun the process of trying to figure out the playing scheduel and how many weeks of play there will be. Our plan is to incorprate lots of breaks in the season during holidays and summer to accomidate for people to travel and have fun. We also want to incorporate a few more tournaments as well. Lastly we are looking at if we do a full round robin of both divisions where every team will play each other regardless of division and also in division round robin's or maybe a combination of both. Stay tuned for more details but please find the survey results attached. Unfortunately this report is missing Captain Janets response but it has been captured from the league.
Cheers and Love,